I Set a Goal to Run to The Gym Everyday For a Year

January 9, 2022

A year ago today (9th January 2021) I set a goal of running to the gym every morning, a 2km journey.*

Not a significant distance, enough of a challenge though that it would need some planning and full commitment to ensure each day I was able to get it done.

(*In addition to the morning run I would also run on a Sunday morning and occasionally run home from work. Most of the time I would get a lift home or ride my bike.)

There were a few reasons I set myself this daily task.

The first was a personal health benefit, as a full-time coach and business owner it can be hard to find time to train, which sounds strange, but it is true. And when time-poor, strength modalities would be my choice of training…as this is the most important component of training.

Strength training has transferrable benefits to all the other components of fitness. If I could get a run-in on the way to work, which would be at 4:20 a.m in the morning, then I would be increasing my health benefits through this cardio without needing to find any extra time in my day.

The second reason I added these runs in was due to committing to complete the Spartan Race Trifecta in 2021. I’d decided to compete in the age group races over all three Spartan Race distances (known as the trifecta) in 2021. The daily running would help with specific conditioning for these races.

A year on and I can reflect on this running and tell of my experience.

Firstly before I describe my experience let me give you the stats: (9th January to the 31st December 2021).

Daily Average Distance – 2.8km per day.
Average Weekly distance – 19.5km per week
Total Distance in 2021 – 1013.9km
Total Calories Burned – 87, 473 kCal

These numbers really highlight how doing little things daily adds up. An approach that can be used (and should be used) by everyone in regards to achieving goals. It isn’t the goal that matters, it is the process of the daily actions that will move you towards the goal.

There were days I missed doing the run. While the goal was to run to the gym every day there were a few days I did miss. Overall I had over 95% adherence. The days missed were due to some weather events, a strained hamstring, and on one occasion I took the easy option and got a lift.

The experience was very positive, I was able to complete and compete very well in the first two Spartan Races. The Spartan Sprint (5km) and Spartan Super (10km). Unfortunately, due to the COVID situation the final piece of my trifecta, The Spartan Beast (21km), was canceled.

The shorter distance runs were very beneficial, I certainly felt fitter, the only metrics I really have to back this up though are the increases in my running speed over the year, and the decrease in the rate of perceived exertion.

I would do it again. Actually, I will do it again. This time though I’ll make sure I hit every day for one year. 365 days without a miss…ever. I only missed a few days last year, now I look back on it, it is something I am regretting, when I go again I will make sure I hit every day. Do you want to join in? Maybe you should.

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I Set a Goal to Run to The Gym Everyday For a Year

January 9, 2022

A year ago today (9th January 2021) I set a goal of running to the gym every morning, a 2km journey.*

Not a significant distance, enough of a challenge though that it would need some planning and full commitment to ensure each day I was able to get it done.

(*In addition to the morning run I would also run on a Sunday morning and occasionally run home from work. Most of the time I would get a lift home or ride my bike.)

There were a few reasons I set myself this daily task.

The first was a personal health benefit, as a full-time coach and business owner it can be hard to find time to train, which sounds strange, but it is true. And when time-poor, strength modalities would be my choice of training…as this is the most important component of training.

Strength training has transferrable benefits to all the other components of fitness. If I could get a run-in on the way to work, which would be at 4:20 a.m in the morning, then I would be increasing my health benefits through this cardio without needing to find any extra time in my day.

The second reason I added these runs in was due to committing to complete the Spartan Race Trifecta in 2021. I’d decided to compete in the age group races over all three Spartan Race distances (known as the trifecta) in 2021. The daily running would help with specific conditioning for these races.

A year on and I can reflect on this running and tell of my experience.

Firstly before I describe my experience let me give you the stats: (9th January to the 31st December 2021).

Daily Average Distance – 2.8km per day.
Average Weekly distance – 19.5km per week
Total Distance in 2021 – 1013.9km
Total Calories Burned – 87, 473 kCal

These numbers really highlight how doing little things daily adds up. An approach that can be used (and should be used) by everyone in regards to achieving goals. It isn’t the goal that matters, it is the process of the daily actions that will move you towards the goal.

There were days I missed doing the run. While the goal was to run to the gym every day there were a few days I did miss. Overall I had over 95% adherence. The days missed were due to some weather events, a strained hamstring, and on one occasion I took the easy option and got a lift.

The experience was very positive, I was able to complete and compete very well in the first two Spartan Races. The Spartan Sprint (5km) and Spartan Super (10km). Unfortunately, due to the COVID situation the final piece of my trifecta, The Spartan Beast (21km), was canceled.

The shorter distance runs were very beneficial, I certainly felt fitter, the only metrics I really have to back this up though are the increases in my running speed over the year, and the decrease in the rate of perceived exertion.

I would do it again. Actually, I will do it again. This time though I’ll make sure I hit every day for one year. 365 days without a miss…ever. I only missed a few days last year, now I look back on it, it is something I am regretting, when I go again I will make sure I hit every day. Do you want to join in? Maybe you should.

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