Is The Weekend Drift a Hindrance?

January 10, 2022

Here is the scenario. You want to get fitter and healthier. Lose 5kg of fat and increase your muscle tone.

During the week you are nailing everything, your nutrition is on point, you are training consistently, you’re sleeping well, getting up at the same time, having no alcohol, etc. Basically, you are living a life that promotes good health.

Then the weekend rolls around. After all of your hard work during the week, you feel you can relax and reward yourself a bit. It can’t cause too much trouble, can it?

You end up eating whatever you want whenever you want and mix in a few drinks with this food. Or maybe you go for it and have a bender with a few friends, getting drunk. You don’t sleep well and exercise consists of trips to the fridge or toilet.

This is the Weekend Drift. You have drifted away off course from all the good habits you had instilled during the week.

This cycle continues for a few weeks, you continue with the mindset and routines of nailing the week and then drifting on the weekends. After a few weeks though you are getting frustrated. Frustrated with your lack of results.

And this answers the question it can’t cause too much trouble, can it? If the above scenario sounds familiar or is relatable to you then the Weekend Drift is stopping and even reversing all of the benefits you are gaining during the week. It is a huge factor in why people are not seeing the results they want.

Now I am not saying that we shouldn’t go out and enjoy ourselves, we absolutely should. There should be occasions in our life when we can have a Drift day. One Drift day every so often is allowable, socialising with friends is a great health benefit. The problem for most is the Drift isn’t a now and then thing, it is an every Weekend thing, hence why it is called the Weekend Drift.

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Is The Weekend Drift a Hindrance?

January 10, 2022

Here is the scenario. You want to get fitter and healthier. Lose 5kg of fat and increase your muscle tone.

During the week you are nailing everything, your nutrition is on point, you are training consistently, you’re sleeping well, getting up at the same time, having no alcohol, etc. Basically, you are living a life that promotes good health.

Then the weekend rolls around. After all of your hard work during the week, you feel you can relax and reward yourself a bit. It can’t cause too much trouble, can it?

You end up eating whatever you want whenever you want and mix in a few drinks with this food. Or maybe you go for it and have a bender with a few friends, getting drunk. You don’t sleep well and exercise consists of trips to the fridge or toilet.

This is the Weekend Drift. You have drifted away off course from all the good habits you had instilled during the week.

This cycle continues for a few weeks, you continue with the mindset and routines of nailing the week and then drifting on the weekends. After a few weeks though you are getting frustrated. Frustrated with your lack of results.

And this answers the question it can’t cause too much trouble, can it? If the above scenario sounds familiar or is relatable to you then the Weekend Drift is stopping and even reversing all of the benefits you are gaining during the week. It is a huge factor in why people are not seeing the results they want.

Now I am not saying that we shouldn’t go out and enjoy ourselves, we absolutely should. There should be occasions in our life when we can have a Drift day. One Drift day every so often is allowable, socialising with friends is a great health benefit. The problem for most is the Drift isn’t a now and then thing, it is an every Weekend thing, hence why it is called the Weekend Drift.

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