Let’s Talk About Results.

October 4, 2022

Let’s talk about results.

Do people expect results to come easy?

Do they think showing up will earn them results?

Do I think both could be true?

Yes absolutely…I see people’s expectations set far too high…somewhat unrealistic, compared to the effort they are putting in.

The truth about results is this…and it is what people may not want to hear about results.

You need to do everything well, do things right, eat, train hard, and sleep well for many days. Not just a few days here or a month there for significant changes.

Commit for a year, and then you will see actual results.

The combined effect of your daily decisions matters big time. Have you ever heard of the compound effect? This is where your results are hiding out…for most, they know how to find their results…however, they make excuses and are not willing to do the work to reveal them…effort and consistency trump everything else. Your results are the sum of your consistent effort!!

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Let’s Talk About Results.

October 4, 2022

Let’s talk about results.

Do people expect results to come easy?

Do they think showing up will earn them results?

Do I think both could be true?

Yes absolutely…I see people’s expectations set far too high…somewhat unrealistic, compared to the effort they are putting in.

The truth about results is this…and it is what people may not want to hear about results.

You need to do everything well, do things right, eat, train hard, and sleep well for many days. Not just a few days here or a month there for significant changes.

Commit for a year, and then you will see actual results.

The combined effect of your daily decisions matters big time. Have you ever heard of the compound effect? This is where your results are hiding out…for most, they know how to find their results…however, they make excuses and are not willing to do the work to reveal them…effort and consistency trump everything else. Your results are the sum of your consistent effort!!

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