April 5, 2023

What is the Best Diet?

Spoiler Alert: There is NO BEST DIET.

And this is good news for you.

While there are many claims of efficacy and benefits of various diets, the truth is that the best diet is a personalised diet that works for you. There is no one diet that optimally benefits all of us.

Research shows that most of the popular diets (Keto, Intermittent Fasting, Low Carb etc.) have no significant difference in fat loss between them over time. And while the focus for many diets and people is fat loss, we must understand that only using this to assess whether a diet is “good” is drastically flawed. A good diet should help with fat loss, but it should also promote better metabolic health.

We are all individuals and are unique. This uniqueness could also be reflected in our diet. We all have different preferences, as well as different activity levels, body types, budgets, abilities, schedules, values, stressors, goals, and taste preferences—All considerations when we are planning our eating.

While it may take a little trial and error to find what works best for you (best meaning, a diet that supports your activity levels, helps maintain health, increases or maintains lean body tissue, and decreases body fat).

Your diet should make you feel good. It should align with your goals, taste to your liking, fit your lifestyle, and most importantly, it needs to be sustainable.

Diets have more in common than not. In fact, many of the most popular and reputable health-focused diets have more in common than they do in opposition.

If you break down health-focused diets, you will see that they all have the following nutritional fundamentals in place.
• Emphasise whole foods
• Get enough quality protein
• Incorporate lots of vegetables
• Prioritise high nutrient density
• Minimise processed foods

The takeaway from this is not to get caught up in the hype of any particular diet. And believe me; diets do get hyped up all the time. No one diet will work for everyone. Use the nutritional fundamentals above to help create a personalised eating plan that will promote good health whilst catering to your preferences and uniqueness.

Reference: Precision Nutrition

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April 5, 2023

What is the Best Diet?

Spoiler Alert: There is NO BEST DIET.

And this is good news for you.

While there are many claims of efficacy and benefits of various diets, the truth is that the best diet is a personalised diet that works for you. There is no one diet that optimally benefits all of us.

Research shows that most of the popular diets (Keto, Intermittent Fasting, Low Carb etc.) have no significant difference in fat loss between them over time. And while the focus for many diets and people is fat loss, we must understand that only using this to assess whether a diet is “good” is drastically flawed. A good diet should help with fat loss, but it should also promote better metabolic health.

We are all individuals and are unique. This uniqueness could also be reflected in our diet. We all have different preferences, as well as different activity levels, body types, budgets, abilities, schedules, values, stressors, goals, and taste preferences—All considerations when we are planning our eating.

While it may take a little trial and error to find what works best for you (best meaning, a diet that supports your activity levels, helps maintain health, increases or maintains lean body tissue, and decreases body fat).

Your diet should make you feel good. It should align with your goals, taste to your liking, fit your lifestyle, and most importantly, it needs to be sustainable.

Diets have more in common than not. In fact, many of the most popular and reputable health-focused diets have more in common than they do in opposition.

If you break down health-focused diets, you will see that they all have the following nutritional fundamentals in place.
• Emphasise whole foods
• Get enough quality protein
• Incorporate lots of vegetables
• Prioritise high nutrient density
• Minimise processed foods

The takeaway from this is not to get caught up in the hype of any particular diet. And believe me; diets do get hyped up all the time. No one diet will work for everyone. Use the nutritional fundamentals above to help create a personalised eating plan that will promote good health whilst catering to your preferences and uniqueness.

Reference: Precision Nutrition

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