Apples or Apple Juice? Which is Best for Health?

December 21, 2021

If you were to ask the question, are apples healthy? The general consensus would be a yes, most agree it is an absolute health benefit.

What about the same question in regards to Apple Juice?  It too must be great for us as it is the juice from the apple. The apple that we know is good for us. The answer wouldn’t be a yes, in fact in most scenarios it would be a strong no.

Why though?

We need to look at what these two things are, Apples and Apple Juice are two different creatures. And it is not just Apples…..Whole fruits are totally different from the juices the fruit makes.

It is highly unlikely that you’d gain fat from eating whole fruit, it is possible and even plausible that you indeed to can gain fat and put on weight from fruit juices.

Again why is this?

Let’s look at three reasons, we will leave the big one till the end.

1. Whole fruits contain more nutrients. Eating the fruit will be much more beneficial in gaining nutrients. For example, Apple skin is full of antioxidants and phytonutrients (substances that are beneficial to human health and disease prevention). There are up to 50% more phytonutrients in the skin compared to the rest of the apple. This is a common thing with most fruits, the skin (peel) is full of so much goodness.

2. The sugar (Fructose) in whole fruits enters the bloodstream less quickly as the sugar comes in an intact structure with dietary fibre.

3. And this is the big one!! Eating whole apples, or whole fruits makes it very hard to over do it. It is nearly impossible to overeat whole fruits. On the other hand think about the juice, to make enough juice to be a liquid drink the number of whole fruits needed can be tenfold. It may require 10 Apples to squeeze enough juice out…this is the equivalent of eating the sugar of 10 apples in one drink. This is very problematic, as the sugar in fruit is fructose. Fructose as a sugar is a problem at high concentrations, as it can cause fat to accumulate in the liver when at these high concentration levels. When the liver becomes fatty it becomes less sensitive to the hormone insulin, which leads to the development of many unwanted and nasty medical conditions like obesity, diabetes, and types of cancers.

These levels of sugar will not be reached when eating the whole fruit.

And here could be the biggest issue…as a society we are lead to believe that the fruit juices we are sold and marketed to are a healthy alternative. A healthy drink. Sure they may well be full of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants however all of these positives are wiped out by the high sugar content of juices. This high sugar content is a major problem, making the fruit juices a drink to be avoided.

How can we implement this information in our daily eating? Easy, reach for the whole fruits, enjoy 2 pieces of fruit every day, and stick to water for drinking!!

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Apples or Apple Juice? Which is Best for Health?

December 21, 2021

If you were to ask the question, are apples healthy? The general consensus would be a yes, most agree it is an absolute health benefit.

What about the same question in regards to Apple Juice?  It too must be great for us as it is the juice from the apple. The apple that we know is good for us. The answer wouldn’t be a yes, in fact in most scenarios it would be a strong no.

Why though?

We need to look at what these two things are, Apples and Apple Juice are two different creatures. And it is not just Apples…..Whole fruits are totally different from the juices the fruit makes.

It is highly unlikely that you’d gain fat from eating whole fruit, it is possible and even plausible that you indeed to can gain fat and put on weight from fruit juices.

Again why is this?

Let’s look at three reasons, we will leave the big one till the end.

1. Whole fruits contain more nutrients. Eating the fruit will be much more beneficial in gaining nutrients. For example, Apple skin is full of antioxidants and phytonutrients (substances that are beneficial to human health and disease prevention). There are up to 50% more phytonutrients in the skin compared to the rest of the apple. This is a common thing with most fruits, the skin (peel) is full of so much goodness.

2. The sugar (Fructose) in whole fruits enters the bloodstream less quickly as the sugar comes in an intact structure with dietary fibre.

3. And this is the big one!! Eating whole apples, or whole fruits makes it very hard to over do it. It is nearly impossible to overeat whole fruits. On the other hand think about the juice, to make enough juice to be a liquid drink the number of whole fruits needed can be tenfold. It may require 10 Apples to squeeze enough juice out…this is the equivalent of eating the sugar of 10 apples in one drink. This is very problematic, as the sugar in fruit is fructose. Fructose as a sugar is a problem at high concentrations, as it can cause fat to accumulate in the liver when at these high concentration levels. When the liver becomes fatty it becomes less sensitive to the hormone insulin, which leads to the development of many unwanted and nasty medical conditions like obesity, diabetes, and types of cancers.

These levels of sugar will not be reached when eating the whole fruit.

And here could be the biggest issue…as a society we are lead to believe that the fruit juices we are sold and marketed to are a healthy alternative. A healthy drink. Sure they may well be full of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants however all of these positives are wiped out by the high sugar content of juices. This high sugar content is a major problem, making the fruit juices a drink to be avoided.

How can we implement this information in our daily eating? Easy, reach for the whole fruits, enjoy 2 pieces of fruit every day, and stick to water for drinking!!

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