Arguing, Why it is Pointless!

November 24, 2021

Today I share something I have come to learn over time. And don’t get me wrong, I am totally guilty of this too, I have argued with others many times in my lifetime. This is before I learned what I will share with you.

I have come to understand most of the time, actually, probably all of the time, arguing with someone achieves nothing.

If you are arguing it is because the other person feels strongly about their opinion or perspective and you feel strongly about yours. 

Think about this for a minute. If this is the case arguing will only achieve tempers to rise (on most occasions). It is two people (or groups of people)with two points of view that have taken a stance and refuse to look at the other person’s point.

If this is the case, there is no winner, the arguing will only cause the issue to deepen and the opinions to grow even stronger.

The solution?

Be open-minded. Never be of the opinion that your view is the right or only view. If you don’t agree and the other person is also not willing to listen or change their stance then this is only a recipe for an all-out intense argument. In this case, it is time to take a breath and save your energy, as arguing and conflict will provide no path forward, only feelings of frustration and resentment. An open-mindedness will allow you to think again on things and understand different points of view are ok.

People often say, “you’re not meant to win every argument”. We should be of the thinking that there is no need to argue in the first place. It is ok if people disagree with you, it is only your ego getting in the way if everything needs to be resolved to a level you are satisfied with. Let your ego slide, and also understand it is ok to have a different opinion or even no opinion at all.

Arguing is a waste of time, that is mostly never resolved unless the parties involved are both willing to think again and be ok with being wrong.

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Arguing, Why it is Pointless!

November 24, 2021

Today I share something I have come to learn over time. And don’t get me wrong, I am totally guilty of this too, I have argued with others many times in my lifetime. This is before I learned what I will share with you.

I have come to understand most of the time, actually, probably all of the time, arguing with someone achieves nothing.

If you are arguing it is because the other person feels strongly about their opinion or perspective and you feel strongly about yours. 

Think about this for a minute. If this is the case arguing will only achieve tempers to rise (on most occasions). It is two people (or groups of people)with two points of view that have taken a stance and refuse to look at the other person’s point.

If this is the case, there is no winner, the arguing will only cause the issue to deepen and the opinions to grow even stronger.

The solution?

Be open-minded. Never be of the opinion that your view is the right or only view. If you don’t agree and the other person is also not willing to listen or change their stance then this is only a recipe for an all-out intense argument. In this case, it is time to take a breath and save your energy, as arguing and conflict will provide no path forward, only feelings of frustration and resentment. An open-mindedness will allow you to think again on things and understand different points of view are ok.

People often say, “you’re not meant to win every argument”. We should be of the thinking that there is no need to argue in the first place. It is ok if people disagree with you, it is only your ego getting in the way if everything needs to be resolved to a level you are satisfied with. Let your ego slide, and also understand it is ok to have a different opinion or even no opinion at all.

Arguing is a waste of time, that is mostly never resolved unless the parties involved are both willing to think again and be ok with being wrong.

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