Is the so-called (an accepted) Middle Age Spread actually a thing?
You've likely heard the commonly used reason for gaining weight in our thirties, forties, and beyond—the phenomenon known as the middle age spread. And this commonly used reason? When we [...]
The Maui Habit. A Tiny Habit with Big Impact.
Recently I've started to read Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg. The first major thing I have taken out of the book is the daily practice of the Maui Habit. It [...]
Strength Training – A Must for Health
Why do we do strength training? Strength is the most important component of fitness. Without adequate strength, no other fitness component (like endurance, balance, agility, speed, and cardiovascular) will be [...]
Simple Tip…for Office Workers.
Sitting in a chair requires the least muscle activation...and our bodies don’t cope well with little muscle activity. Prolonged sitting may contribute to our high rates of cardiometabolic diseases. A [...]
Focus on Just Weight Loss Is Not Good
Stop Aiming to Just Lose Weight. I disagree with people having the sole focus on losing weight. Their focus all comes from a weight loss-only mindset. The focus, however, should [...]
Unrealistic Expectations Holding You Back?
It is common for people to look down at the scale or look in the mirror after a few days of being on a diet and be disappointed. The response [...]