Exercise and Sleep – Part 2 (When the Time Isn’t Right)
When the time isn't right. Part 1 of Exercise and Sleep highlighted the benefits of consistent exercise helping with sleep quality. It is like a kill two birds with one [...]
Exercise and Sleep – Part 1.
Have you ever considered that exercise is the magic pill we are all after? If not, maybe you should. Exercise is often viewed as a virtual fountain of youth, especially [...]
Intent or Intensity? What is the Most Important When Training?
Intent or Intensity. What is the most important when training? For years we have been told that the intensity of our training is what really matters. in particular that training [...]
Caffeine and Sleep Quality. Why You Need a Caffeine Curfew.
The reality is that people really like coffee. And this is ok. This isn't a bash on coffee. Coffee has many great benefits for our physical health and also through [...]
Important Lessons I Have Learned as A Coach
Let me share some important lessons I have learned in my time in the fitness industry. 1. Everyone and I mean everyone, has some sort of insecurity or issue they [...]
I Want To Share A Few Lessons I Have Learned.
A quick and important read today. It is about a few important lessons I have learned in my time in the fitness industry. Hope this can help you. 1. [...]