Exercises That Help You Get Toned is a Myth.

November 8, 2022

Exercisers that make you toned are a myth.

In fact, toned is a made-up word.

However, advice about toning a muscle saturates the fitness industry and the internet. A quick google search of “exercises to tone muscle” returns over 2,410,000,000 results. You’d think it would have to be valid with something so pronounced. It’s not; you have all been misled.

And the reason.

It has been decades of the fitness industry trying to help both men and women get the “look” they want. A muscle that looks hard and is long (not so bulky). Most of the marketing towards tone is geared toward females. Most of the female population aims to get the so-called toned look. The special toning programs, the ads on TV promising tone, etc., are all marketing and sales pitches.

The word toned has come from marketing toward what many people’s goals are.

What toned is promoted as and what it is are very different.

Technically speaking, there is no such thing as toning. Tone refers to the ability of the muscles to contract reflexively. However, the word ‘tone’ has taken on a completely different meaning in the world of exercise and fitness. When talking about toning muscles in this capacity, it typically refers to someone with defined muscles and not much fat. Toned means that you have good muscle mass and are lean.

A muscle either grows or shrinks. And when they grow, they will appear harder, and if you lose body fat simultaneously, you’d look leaner, giving a sense that the muscle has toned. The best toning exercises are the best exercises to build muscle. Your multi-joint compound exercises.

The secret to getting what is known as toned is building as much muscle as possible and focusing on your eating. Building muscle and losing body fat is what makes you look toned!!








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Exercises That Help You Get Toned is a Myth.

November 8, 2022

Exercisers that make you toned are a myth.

In fact, toned is a made-up word.

However, advice about toning a muscle saturates the fitness industry and the internet. A quick google search of “exercises to tone muscle” returns over 2,410,000,000 results. You’d think it would have to be valid with something so pronounced. It’s not; you have all been misled.

And the reason.

It has been decades of the fitness industry trying to help both men and women get the “look” they want. A muscle that looks hard and is long (not so bulky). Most of the marketing towards tone is geared toward females. Most of the female population aims to get the so-called toned look. The special toning programs, the ads on TV promising tone, etc., are all marketing and sales pitches.

The word toned has come from marketing toward what many people’s goals are.

What toned is promoted as and what it is are very different.

Technically speaking, there is no such thing as toning. Tone refers to the ability of the muscles to contract reflexively. However, the word ‘tone’ has taken on a completely different meaning in the world of exercise and fitness. When talking about toning muscles in this capacity, it typically refers to someone with defined muscles and not much fat. Toned means that you have good muscle mass and are lean.

A muscle either grows or shrinks. And when they grow, they will appear harder, and if you lose body fat simultaneously, you’d look leaner, giving a sense that the muscle has toned. The best toning exercises are the best exercises to build muscle. Your multi-joint compound exercises.

The secret to getting what is known as toned is building as much muscle as possible and focusing on your eating. Building muscle and losing body fat is what makes you look toned!!








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