How Much Weight Do You Need to Lose to Improve Your Health Markers?

December 6, 2021


If you are overweight then your health is suffering in some way. Possibly in many ways. We know this, and that’s why many people attempt to lose weight, to improve their health.

In society, it is a pretty common notion that losing weight makes you healthy. And this is correct it does. However, is the expectation much higher than it needs to be in regards to how much weight we need to lose to improve our health?


How much weight do you need to lose though to have a significant and positive change in your health?

In reality, weight loss doesn’t need to be major to improve our health. Modest weight reductions of 5-10% (total weight) have been shown to reduce depression, cardiovascular disease risk, and improve mobility, sexual function, and other health markers.

This is good news, it means a dramatic reduction and transformation isn’t required to experience meaningful health benefits from a weight loss program.

The bad news? According to a recent Australian study which was cited in a Precision Nutrition article people only rated significant health improvements in the people who had a major weight and body transformation. People didn’t rate a person who had achieved only a moderate weight loss any healthier than when they started.

This may well be our perception, we only view major transformations and weight reduction as improving health, this is incorrect though. A modest 5% reduction in weight can have many health benefits.

The takeaway from this is to be realistic, set yourself achievable and reachable goals, use a staircase approach, small steps at a time. These small steps may not seem significant to you, however, it is very significant to your health. Any fat loss is positive for your health.

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How Much Weight Do You Need to Lose to Improve Your Health Markers?

December 6, 2021


If you are overweight then your health is suffering in some way. Possibly in many ways. We know this, and that’s why many people attempt to lose weight, to improve their health.

In society, it is a pretty common notion that losing weight makes you healthy. And this is correct it does. However, is the expectation much higher than it needs to be in regards to how much weight we need to lose to improve our health?


How much weight do you need to lose though to have a significant and positive change in your health?

In reality, weight loss doesn’t need to be major to improve our health. Modest weight reductions of 5-10% (total weight) have been shown to reduce depression, cardiovascular disease risk, and improve mobility, sexual function, and other health markers.

This is good news, it means a dramatic reduction and transformation isn’t required to experience meaningful health benefits from a weight loss program.

The bad news? According to a recent Australian study which was cited in a Precision Nutrition article people only rated significant health improvements in the people who had a major weight and body transformation. People didn’t rate a person who had achieved only a moderate weight loss any healthier than when they started.

This may well be our perception, we only view major transformations and weight reduction as improving health, this is incorrect though. A modest 5% reduction in weight can have many health benefits.

The takeaway from this is to be realistic, set yourself achievable and reachable goals, use a staircase approach, small steps at a time. These small steps may not seem significant to you, however, it is very significant to your health. Any fat loss is positive for your health.

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