How Powerful are High Fives?

November 30, 2023

Lately, I have been traveling a bit more than usual, and while on the road, I have been visiting several gyms and joining in on their classes. I have enjoyed this and have done some excellent workouts. However, there has been one thing missing at each and every one of these gyms and sessions—the post-class high fives.

For 13 years, I have finished every session I coached with high fives. Whether in the gym or on the pitch at footy training. No session is complete without the high five.

Why do I do this? It is a simple gesture that can have an incredible impact and bring a sense of connectivity and community to the gym. There is nothing better than acknowledging someone who did a phenomenal job by using a high five. It is a celebratory palm-to-palm action in shared moments of triumph.

And even further, I believe high fives aren’t just random acts of enthusiasm; they’re the secret sauce that binds a fitness or sports community together. Not only is it the most fabulous way to increase camaraderie, but it establishes a social connection, increases endorphins, and makes you feel pretty damn good about what you have just achieved.

All of this got me thinking about the more profound implications of this omission.

As I have already mentioned, I have joined in on some quality group training; however, when high fives are missing, it gives me a feeling of disconnection. You’re there to push yourself, achieve your goals, and sweat it out, but without high fives, it seems you’re doing it all in isolation. It gives the feeling that while there are people all around you, you are on your own. One of the most incredible things about group training is acknowledging and celebrating everyone’s hard work and effort; the best way to do this is through the high five.

This feeling that something was missing without the post-class high five made me dig deeper. I have felt the power of the high five, and I wanted some proof. I knew it wasn’t a hunch that there were genuine and powerful impacts from high-fiving. A study on NBA teams demonstrated the power of a high five is incredible. This study recorded the number of times players high-fived one another in a game. The researchers looked at the teams with the most touches and saw that these teams placed higher overall on the ladder, The more high fives given and received saw an increase in success. Now we know a high five can not only make you feel pretty damn good about yourself, it can improve performance.

From my experience, I have gained valuable insight that is crystal clear to me: High fives are more than just a gesture. They’re a symbol of community, a sign of shared victories, and a vital ingredient in keeping our members united and motivated.

I see it like this: If someone is doing great, let them know. And the easiest way to let them know is through a gold old high five!

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How Powerful are High Fives?

November 30, 2023

Lately, I have been traveling a bit more than usual, and while on the road, I have been visiting several gyms and joining in on their classes. I have enjoyed this and have done some excellent workouts. However, there has been one thing missing at each and every one of these gyms and sessions—the post-class high fives.

For 13 years, I have finished every session I coached with high fives. Whether in the gym or on the pitch at footy training. No session is complete without the high five.

Why do I do this? It is a simple gesture that can have an incredible impact and bring a sense of connectivity and community to the gym. There is nothing better than acknowledging someone who did a phenomenal job by using a high five. It is a celebratory palm-to-palm action in shared moments of triumph.

And even further, I believe high fives aren’t just random acts of enthusiasm; they’re the secret sauce that binds a fitness or sports community together. Not only is it the most fabulous way to increase camaraderie, but it establishes a social connection, increases endorphins, and makes you feel pretty damn good about what you have just achieved.

All of this got me thinking about the more profound implications of this omission.

As I have already mentioned, I have joined in on some quality group training; however, when high fives are missing, it gives me a feeling of disconnection. You’re there to push yourself, achieve your goals, and sweat it out, but without high fives, it seems you’re doing it all in isolation. It gives the feeling that while there are people all around you, you are on your own. One of the most incredible things about group training is acknowledging and celebrating everyone’s hard work and effort; the best way to do this is through the high five.

This feeling that something was missing without the post-class high five made me dig deeper. I have felt the power of the high five, and I wanted some proof. I knew it wasn’t a hunch that there were genuine and powerful impacts from high-fiving. A study on NBA teams demonstrated the power of a high five is incredible. This study recorded the number of times players high-fived one another in a game. The researchers looked at the teams with the most touches and saw that these teams placed higher overall on the ladder, The more high fives given and received saw an increase in success. Now we know a high five can not only make you feel pretty damn good about yourself, it can improve performance.

From my experience, I have gained valuable insight that is crystal clear to me: High fives are more than just a gesture. They’re a symbol of community, a sign of shared victories, and a vital ingredient in keeping our members united and motivated.

I see it like this: If someone is doing great, let them know. And the easiest way to let them know is through a gold old high five!

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