Intent or Intensity? What is the Most Important When Training?
June 20, 2022

Intent or Intensity. What is the most important when training?
For years we have been told that the intensity of our training is what really matters. in particular that training at high intensities is the best way to train to get the best results. High-Intensity training has been the foundation of training styles like CrossFit, F45, Orange Theory, Barrys Bootcamp, etc. All very different training types that all place importance on intensity… the high intensity.
Does intensity matter though? Or is there a better way?
Intensity definitely matters. The research clearly shows that great results can be achieved in body composition (improvement in lean muscle mass and decreases in body fat) and cardiovascular fitness.
At what cost though?
The issue is that we have now adopted this style of training just for the sake of it. We are underappreciating and undervaluing other types of training. High Intensity has become a bit of an “it” thing and we are doing high intensity just for the sake of it. Normally at the cost of technique and quality movement patterns.
Instead of a sole focus on intensity let’s train with intent.
High-Intensity training can lose its purpose when this is the only emphasis in a training session. Sessions become sloppy and less meaningful when intensity is the only thing we are chasing. When we only chase intensity there is normally a bad trade-off. Movement quality goes out the window, the focus isn’t on how we are moving, it is only focused on how many reps we can do or how fast we are moving.
This is why I think Intent is more important than intensity.
I agreed that High Intensity is highly beneficial. Without intent, High Intensity has the potential to become a disaster and potentially cause injuries and training plateaus.
Intent brings purpose. Intent brings better movement. Intent places a higher mental focus on your training. Intent connects the mental with the physical.
The intent of your training also brings various intensity levels in your training. Something we all should be doing. When an intent is present it increases the productivity of your training.
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Intent or Intensity? What is the Most Important When Training?
June 20, 2022

Intent or Intensity. What is the most important when training?
For years we have been told that the intensity of our training is what really matters. in particular that training at high intensities is the best way to train to get the best results. High-Intensity training has been the foundation of training styles like CrossFit, F45, Orange Theory, Barrys Bootcamp, etc. All very different training types that all place importance on intensity… the high intensity.
Does intensity matter though? Or is there a better way?
Intensity definitely matters. The research clearly shows that great results can be achieved in body composition (improvement in lean muscle mass and decreases in body fat) and cardiovascular fitness.
At what cost though?
The issue is that we have now adopted this style of training just for the sake of it. We are underappreciating and undervaluing other types of training. High Intensity has become a bit of an “it” thing and we are doing high intensity just for the sake of it. Normally at the cost of technique and quality movement patterns.
Instead of a sole focus on intensity let’s train with intent.
High-Intensity training can lose its purpose when this is the only emphasis in a training session. Sessions become sloppy and less meaningful when intensity is the only thing we are chasing. When we only chase intensity there is normally a bad trade-off. Movement quality goes out the window, the focus isn’t on how we are moving, it is only focused on how many reps we can do or how fast we are moving.
This is why I think Intent is more important than intensity.
I agreed that High Intensity is highly beneficial. Without intent, High Intensity has the potential to become a disaster and potentially cause injuries and training plateaus.
Intent brings purpose. Intent brings better movement. Intent places a higher mental focus on your training. Intent connects the mental with the physical.
The intent of your training also brings various intensity levels in your training. Something we all should be doing. When an intent is present it increases the productivity of your training.