Sleep and Your Weight.

January 3, 2022

Sleep really matters, the evidence is overwhelming. A pretty simple statement, it is true though, in today’s article we examine how your sleep correlates to your body weight? For some, it may be the answer you’re seeking in relation to weight loss or an unexplained weight increase.

There is a new study out from the University of Pittsburgh that researched the sleep health of 4,837 people, with nearly half of these subjects having tried to lose weight the previous year.

This new study examined five measures of sleep, not just the number of hours slept. The areas studied were:

Sleep Duration – Sleep timing- Sleep satisfaction – Sleep regularity – and Sleepiness

And the findings?

The researchers found that among adults who attempted weight loss, the prevalence of good sleep health was inversely associated with current BMI and weight change.

The better they slept, not just the duration of sleep,  the lower their BMI and the greater their weight loss.

In Matthew Walker’s book “Why We Sleep” the evidence of poor sleep health on the human body is compelling. Scary really. Sleep deprivation has many negative impacts, including impacts on exercise and nutrition. Due to reduced physical activity, lower exercise frequency, and increased hunger cravings (cravings for high fat – high sugar foods), it is very hard to lose weight if your sleep is poor. You are more likely to gain weight than lose weight if you are not sleeping adequately and with decent quality.

Along with this direct effect on exercise and nutrition, sleep deprivation also negatively impacts your outlook and mood, your emotions, your relationships, your decision-making ability, and your capacity to manage stress. Poor sleep health affects many dimensions of health!!

This study is another example (of many) of the serious consequences of poor sleep health.

Are you finding it hard to lose weight?
If you are then it may be poor sleep quality that is the catalyst to this. The obstacle that is keeping you from nailing your nutrition and fitness problems.

We all need to audit our sleep health and our behaviours around sleep, if you are unsure where to start have a read of our article Twelve Tips for Healthy Sleep – Hybrid Fitness Training

Precision Nutrition – “How sleep health affects weight loss” (Decemebr 2021)

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Sleep and Your Weight.

January 3, 2022

Sleep really matters, the evidence is overwhelming. A pretty simple statement, it is true though, in today’s article we examine how your sleep correlates to your body weight? For some, it may be the answer you’re seeking in relation to weight loss or an unexplained weight increase.

There is a new study out from the University of Pittsburgh that researched the sleep health of 4,837 people, with nearly half of these subjects having tried to lose weight the previous year.

This new study examined five measures of sleep, not just the number of hours slept. The areas studied were:

Sleep Duration – Sleep timing- Sleep satisfaction – Sleep regularity – and Sleepiness

And the findings?

The researchers found that among adults who attempted weight loss, the prevalence of good sleep health was inversely associated with current BMI and weight change.

The better they slept, not just the duration of sleep,  the lower their BMI and the greater their weight loss.

In Matthew Walker’s book “Why We Sleep” the evidence of poor sleep health on the human body is compelling. Scary really. Sleep deprivation has many negative impacts, including impacts on exercise and nutrition. Due to reduced physical activity, lower exercise frequency, and increased hunger cravings (cravings for high fat – high sugar foods), it is very hard to lose weight if your sleep is poor. You are more likely to gain weight than lose weight if you are not sleeping adequately and with decent quality.

Along with this direct effect on exercise and nutrition, sleep deprivation also negatively impacts your outlook and mood, your emotions, your relationships, your decision-making ability, and your capacity to manage stress. Poor sleep health affects many dimensions of health!!

This study is another example (of many) of the serious consequences of poor sleep health.

Are you finding it hard to lose weight?
If you are then it may be poor sleep quality that is the catalyst to this. The obstacle that is keeping you from nailing your nutrition and fitness problems.

We all need to audit our sleep health and our behaviours around sleep, if you are unsure where to start have a read of our article Twelve Tips for Healthy Sleep – Hybrid Fitness Training

Precision Nutrition – “How sleep health affects weight loss” (Decemebr 2021)

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