Sleep Deprivation and Your Health
January 12, 2022

Sleep (recovery) is one of HFT’s 5 pillars of health, the other four being exercise, nutrition, mindset, and relationships (social connections). My belief is that good health relies on these 5 pillars as a collective, never independent of each other, always interdependent on each other. The absence of one will impact the other pillars.
Let’s take sleep (recovery), sleep is at the foundation of all the other pillars. Without adequate sleep, the other pillars are less effective at best, and at worst crippled.
The impact of sleep deprivation (lack of sleep) has a major impact on health. And on all areas of health. No aspect of your health can go unharmed when sleep deprived. Research evidence from 17,000 scientific studies clearly shows us that exercise, diet, mindset, and our relationships suffer due to inadequate sleep.
There is a clear relationship. The shorter you sleep, the shorter your life. Sleep deprivation and health do not mix. In short, the effects of sleep deprivation and sleep loss are catastrophic for all our body’s systems and functions.
From devastating effects on the brain (linking it numerous neurological and psychiatric conditions) to chaotic negative impacts on every physiological system (contributing to countless disorders and diseases), no facet of the human body is spared by the noxious harm of sleep loss.
Sleep is that important. Actually sleep is most important. Have you audited your sleep lately? If you feel off, or something is a miss lately could the answer lay with your sleep health.
I’d encourage everyone to review their sleep, are you getting 7-8 hours every night? is the quality of sleep good? Some simple questions may lead to some answers that could then lead to a massive change in your quality of life.
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Sleep Deprivation and Your Health
January 12, 2022

Sleep (recovery) is one of HFT’s 5 pillars of health, the other four being exercise, nutrition, mindset, and relationships (social connections). My belief is that good health relies on these 5 pillars as a collective, never independent of each other, always interdependent on each other. The absence of one will impact the other pillars.
Let’s take sleep (recovery), sleep is at the foundation of all the other pillars. Without adequate sleep, the other pillars are less effective at best, and at worst crippled.
The impact of sleep deprivation (lack of sleep) has a major impact on health. And on all areas of health. No aspect of your health can go unharmed when sleep deprived. Research evidence from 17,000 scientific studies clearly shows us that exercise, diet, mindset, and our relationships suffer due to inadequate sleep.
There is a clear relationship. The shorter you sleep, the shorter your life. Sleep deprivation and health do not mix. In short, the effects of sleep deprivation and sleep loss are catastrophic for all our body’s systems and functions.
From devastating effects on the brain (linking it numerous neurological and psychiatric conditions) to chaotic negative impacts on every physiological system (contributing to countless disorders and diseases), no facet of the human body is spared by the noxious harm of sleep loss.
Sleep is that important. Actually sleep is most important. Have you audited your sleep lately? If you feel off, or something is a miss lately could the answer lay with your sleep health.
I’d encourage everyone to review their sleep, are you getting 7-8 hours every night? is the quality of sleep good? Some simple questions may lead to some answers that could then lead to a massive change in your quality of life.