The Hard Truth: You Do Have Time to Work Out!

October 16, 2024

We’ve all heard it before—or maybe even said it ourselves—”I just don’t have time to work out.” It’s one of the most common excuses, and while I get it, life is busy! But here’s the truth: you do have time to exercise.

Health is Always at the Top

If I asked you to name your top three priorities in life, I’m willing to bet “health” would be on that list. For many people, it even ranks number one. And that makes sense—without your health, nothing else really matters. Health is the foundation of everything else.

If you claim health is a priority yet say you don’t have time to exercise, you’re lying to yourself. Harsh? Maybe. True? Absolutely. Because if your health is really that important, wouldn’t you make time for it?

Everyone Has the Same 24 Hours

Let’s get real. We all have 24 hours in a day. Life looks different for everyone, but we all manage to find time for what matters most to us. If you find time to binge-watch Netflix, scroll through Instagram, or dive down a TikTok rabbit hole (don’t worry, we’ve all been there), you have time to move your body.

It’s not about “finding” time. It’s about making time. If your health truly matters to you, you’ll prioritise it like anything important. That might mean a workout before the kids wake up, a brisk walk during your lunch break, or a session on your way home after work.

Training doesn’t mean you need to spend hours in the gym. You don’t need a two-hour lifting session or a 5K daily run to see results. Focused, intentional movement can do wonders for your body. It’s about consistency, not duration. And this is where we have you covered; 3 to 5 classes a week with us can help you make good on your exercise toward your health priority.

Time is Your Most Valuable Asset

Let me ask you something: what’s more important, watching the next episode of your favorite show or investing a little time in your health? That extra 30 minutes on your phone won’t add years to your life, but 30 minutes of exercise might. Regular exercise reduces your risk of chronic diseases, helps you sleep better, improves your mental health, and boosts your energy levels. Consistent exercise makes you feel amazing.

So, is “not having time” really the issue, or is it more about how you spend your time? We need to be brutally honest with ourselves here.

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The Hard Truth: You Do Have Time to Work Out!

October 16, 2024

We’ve all heard it before—or maybe even said it ourselves—”I just don’t have time to work out.” It’s one of the most common excuses, and while I get it, life is busy! But here’s the truth: you do have time to exercise.

Health is Always at the Top

If I asked you to name your top three priorities in life, I’m willing to bet “health” would be on that list. For many people, it even ranks number one. And that makes sense—without your health, nothing else really matters. Health is the foundation of everything else.

If you claim health is a priority yet say you don’t have time to exercise, you’re lying to yourself. Harsh? Maybe. True? Absolutely. Because if your health is really that important, wouldn’t you make time for it?

Everyone Has the Same 24 Hours

Let’s get real. We all have 24 hours in a day. Life looks different for everyone, but we all manage to find time for what matters most to us. If you find time to binge-watch Netflix, scroll through Instagram, or dive down a TikTok rabbit hole (don’t worry, we’ve all been there), you have time to move your body.

It’s not about “finding” time. It’s about making time. If your health truly matters to you, you’ll prioritise it like anything important. That might mean a workout before the kids wake up, a brisk walk during your lunch break, or a session on your way home after work.

Training doesn’t mean you need to spend hours in the gym. You don’t need a two-hour lifting session or a 5K daily run to see results. Focused, intentional movement can do wonders for your body. It’s about consistency, not duration. And this is where we have you covered; 3 to 5 classes a week with us can help you make good on your exercise toward your health priority.

Time is Your Most Valuable Asset

Let me ask you something: what’s more important, watching the next episode of your favorite show or investing a little time in your health? That extra 30 minutes on your phone won’t add years to your life, but 30 minutes of exercise might. Regular exercise reduces your risk of chronic diseases, helps you sleep better, improves your mental health, and boosts your energy levels. Consistent exercise makes you feel amazing.

So, is “not having time” really the issue, or is it more about how you spend your time? We need to be brutally honest with ourselves here.

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