The Importance of NEAT for Weight Loss.
March 27, 2022

What is NEAT, and why is it important to assist in weight loss?
Let me address the first part of the question, what is NEAT?
NEAT is Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. Simply, NEAT is the calories burned outside of formal exercise. It could be explained as unplanned exercise or activity. Things like walking to the shops, climbing the stairs, fidgeting, high fiving are all considered NEAT.
And why is it important?
Highly active people, people with high incidences of NEAT can expend up to three times more energy in one day than their sedentary counterparts. That’s a massive difference and demonstrates the importance of being active. As a society, we are getting shafted from a combination of food and a decrease in inactivity.
Increasing our NEAT increases the calories we burn, and increasing activity levels is one of the key factors in losing weight. I am sure you’ve heard the eat less, move more to lose weight anecdote before!!
Let’s dig a bit deeper.
Most of the finger-pointing and blaming for the current overweight and obesity epidemic in Australia is placed on the foods we eat. The overabundance of sugar and ultra-processed foods. Now, this blame is justified, however, it isn’t the only cause of the current state of our nation’s health. It is important to note that on average NEAT has decreased significantly within the population in these modern times. We have become more sedentary than ever before. Technology has played a role in this, causing the adaptation of the need for less activity and movement.
Basically, we are eating worse and moving less, causing a high incidence of people being overweight or obese.
How you can increase your NEAT.
NEAT habits have a great effect on fat loss, not only on losing fat but also helping to keep it off. Habits you can easily perform every day that will increase the calories you will burn. Habits such as:
– Parking your car in the farthest car park for work or if you go to the shops. (Those extra steps will really add up over time.)
– When on telephone calls, walk around as you talk.
– If listening to music or a podcast, listen while walking.
– Taking the stairs
– Making your bed each morning
– Putting the remote away from you, if you want to change channels you need to get up.
– Having an offsite lunch, during work lunches take a walk to eat in a park. Not only will this increase your NEAT, walking after eating is also a great strategy to help with weight loss)
– Where possible, walk or ride to work/shops.
– Fidget and tap lots.
NEAT is a critical yet not widely talked about strategy to help with weight loss.
How can you increase the presence of NEAT in your day?
If we were all to consider our current habits we’d easily find areas we can implement new practices to increase your NEAT and increase the chance of you losing weight or maintaining a healthy current weight.
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The Importance of NEAT for Weight Loss.
March 27, 2022

What is NEAT, and why is it important to assist in weight loss?
Let me address the first part of the question, what is NEAT?
NEAT is Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. Simply, NEAT is the calories burned outside of formal exercise. It could be explained as unplanned exercise or activity. Things like walking to the shops, climbing the stairs, fidgeting, high fiving are all considered NEAT.
And why is it important?
Highly active people, people with high incidences of NEAT can expend up to three times more energy in one day than their sedentary counterparts. That’s a massive difference and demonstrates the importance of being active. As a society, we are getting shafted from a combination of food and a decrease in inactivity.
Increasing our NEAT increases the calories we burn, and increasing activity levels is one of the key factors in losing weight. I am sure you’ve heard the eat less, move more to lose weight anecdote before!!
Let’s dig a bit deeper.
Most of the finger-pointing and blaming for the current overweight and obesity epidemic in Australia is placed on the foods we eat. The overabundance of sugar and ultra-processed foods. Now, this blame is justified, however, it isn’t the only cause of the current state of our nation’s health. It is important to note that on average NEAT has decreased significantly within the population in these modern times. We have become more sedentary than ever before. Technology has played a role in this, causing the adaptation of the need for less activity and movement.
Basically, we are eating worse and moving less, causing a high incidence of people being overweight or obese.
How you can increase your NEAT.
NEAT habits have a great effect on fat loss, not only on losing fat but also helping to keep it off. Habits you can easily perform every day that will increase the calories you will burn. Habits such as:
– Parking your car in the farthest car park for work or if you go to the shops. (Those extra steps will really add up over time.)
– When on telephone calls, walk around as you talk.
– If listening to music or a podcast, listen while walking.
– Taking the stairs
– Making your bed each morning
– Putting the remote away from you, if you want to change channels you need to get up.
– Having an offsite lunch, during work lunches take a walk to eat in a park. Not only will this increase your NEAT, walking after eating is also a great strategy to help with weight loss)
– Where possible, walk or ride to work/shops.
– Fidget and tap lots.
NEAT is a critical yet not widely talked about strategy to help with weight loss.
How can you increase the presence of NEAT in your day?
If we were all to consider our current habits we’d easily find areas we can implement new practices to increase your NEAT and increase the chance of you losing weight or maintaining a healthy current weight.