The Kidneys, Hydration, and Fat Loss

October 6, 2021

The Kidneys, Hydration, and Fat Loss

One of the Kidneys main functions is to filter your blood, removing waste products. For the Kidneys to do this job effectively though there needs to plenty of water present. If you are well hydrated most of the body’s waste products can be eliminated through the Kidneys.

Which is a good thing. Hydration helps the Kidneys function properly.

When you are dehydrated, the Kidneys can not function optimally and much of the burden is then placed on the Liver. Which is not an ideal situation.

One of the main functions of the Liver is processing stored body fat for use as energy. If the Kidneys cannot keep up with the demands due to lack of hydration the liver helps the kidney out with eliminating waste which then makes the liver less efficient in mobilising body fat.

What does all this mean? If you want to optimise or have optimal fat loss then you need to be well hydrated so the kidneys can do its primary job and the liver can focus on doing the job of processing stored body fat into energy.

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The Kidneys, Hydration, and Fat Loss

October 6, 2021

The Kidneys, Hydration, and Fat Loss

One of the Kidneys main functions is to filter your blood, removing waste products. For the Kidneys to do this job effectively though there needs to plenty of water present. If you are well hydrated most of the body’s waste products can be eliminated through the Kidneys.

Which is a good thing. Hydration helps the Kidneys function properly.

When you are dehydrated, the Kidneys can not function optimally and much of the burden is then placed on the Liver. Which is not an ideal situation.

One of the main functions of the Liver is processing stored body fat for use as energy. If the Kidneys cannot keep up with the demands due to lack of hydration the liver helps the kidney out with eliminating waste which then makes the liver less efficient in mobilising body fat.

What does all this mean? If you want to optimise or have optimal fat loss then you need to be well hydrated so the kidneys can do its primary job and the liver can focus on doing the job of processing stored body fat into energy.

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