The Subtle Power of Words: Why “Just” Might Be Holding You Ba
April 18, 2024

Picture this: you’ve been hitting the gym hard, consistently upping your game, and someone asks you about your latest workout. They ask how many push-ups you did. You reply, “Just 5 push-ups.” Or imagine you’ve finally taken that trip you’ve been dreaming about, only to describe it as “I just went to Coolangatta.” Sounds familiar? It’s a common habit that many of us fall into without even realising it.
For years, I have warned people about using “just” and how its context matters. The word “just” has a way of diminishing our achievements and experiences. But why does this matter, especially in health, fitness, and overall well-being?
The Weight of “Just”
In the grand tapestry of language, every word carries its weight and significance. “Just” is particularly crafty; it’s short and seemingly inconsequential, but it packs a punch regarding its impact on our mindset. By saying you “just” did 5 push-ups, there’s an underlying tone of underestimation. It’s as if those push-ups—or that trip to Cooly—weren’t quite worthy of celebration or acknowledgment.
But here’s a thought: what if every push-up was a testament to your strength, resilience, and dedication? What if all your trips away were a much-needed escape, full of memories and moments that recharged your soul? Suddenly, “just” doesn’t seem to fit the bill anymore.
The Power of Positive Reframing
Let’s try a little exercise in positive reframing. Instead of saying, “I just did 5 push-ups,” how about, “I did 5 push-ups today”? Feel the difference? It’s a small change, but it shifts the focus onto your achievement without the shadow of diminishment. Similarly, “I went to Coolangatta; it was a lovely time away” invites curiosity and conversation about your experience, free from the confines of “just.”
This isn’t about denying humility or not recognising room for growth; it’s about giving yourself—and your achievements—the acknowledgment they deserve. In health and fitness, where progress can often be measured in incremental gains, recognising each step forward is crucial for motivation and self-esteem.
A Celebration of Progress
Imagine a world where every effort is celebrated, not downplayed. Each time you lace up your sneakers for a run, every meal you choose that nourishes your body, every early morning you commit to your training—it all counts. By eliminating “just” from our vocabulary when describing these efforts, we foster a more positive and empowering environment for ourselves and those around us.
It’s about acknowledging that while the journey towards health, fitness, and personal well-being is ongoing, every step forward is significant. It’s a shift from a mindset of limitation to one of possibility and growth. After all, isn’t that what the journey is all about?
Embrace Your Achievements
Next time you are about to downplay your achievements or experiences with “just,” take a moment to pause. Reflect on the effort it took to get there, the progress you’ve made, and the experiences you’ve gathered. Your journey—every push-up, every trip, every step, every kilo lost—is worth celebrating. Let’s start giving our achievements the recognition they deserve, one word at a time.
Remember, it’s not “just” fitness; it’s a lifestyle. It’s not “just” a trip; it’s an adventure. It’s not “just” 5 push-ups; it’s a testament to your strength and commitment. Let’s drop the “just” and start recognising the total value of our efforts and experiences. Your achievements are significant, and it’s time we start acknowledging them as such.
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The Subtle Power of Words: Why “Just” Might Be Holding You Ba
April 18, 2024

Picture this: you’ve been hitting the gym hard, consistently upping your game, and someone asks you about your latest workout. They ask how many push-ups you did. You reply, “Just 5 push-ups.” Or imagine you’ve finally taken that trip you’ve been dreaming about, only to describe it as “I just went to Coolangatta.” Sounds familiar? It’s a common habit that many of us fall into without even realising it.
For years, I have warned people about using “just” and how its context matters. The word “just” has a way of diminishing our achievements and experiences. But why does this matter, especially in health, fitness, and overall well-being?
The Weight of “Just”
In the grand tapestry of language, every word carries its weight and significance. “Just” is particularly crafty; it’s short and seemingly inconsequential, but it packs a punch regarding its impact on our mindset. By saying you “just” did 5 push-ups, there’s an underlying tone of underestimation. It’s as if those push-ups—or that trip to Cooly—weren’t quite worthy of celebration or acknowledgment.
But here’s a thought: what if every push-up was a testament to your strength, resilience, and dedication? What if all your trips away were a much-needed escape, full of memories and moments that recharged your soul? Suddenly, “just” doesn’t seem to fit the bill anymore.
The Power of Positive Reframing
Let’s try a little exercise in positive reframing. Instead of saying, “I just did 5 push-ups,” how about, “I did 5 push-ups today”? Feel the difference? It’s a small change, but it shifts the focus onto your achievement without the shadow of diminishment. Similarly, “I went to Coolangatta; it was a lovely time away” invites curiosity and conversation about your experience, free from the confines of “just.”
This isn’t about denying humility or not recognising room for growth; it’s about giving yourself—and your achievements—the acknowledgment they deserve. In health and fitness, where progress can often be measured in incremental gains, recognising each step forward is crucial for motivation and self-esteem.
A Celebration of Progress
Imagine a world where every effort is celebrated, not downplayed. Each time you lace up your sneakers for a run, every meal you choose that nourishes your body, every early morning you commit to your training—it all counts. By eliminating “just” from our vocabulary when describing these efforts, we foster a more positive and empowering environment for ourselves and those around us.
It’s about acknowledging that while the journey towards health, fitness, and personal well-being is ongoing, every step forward is significant. It’s a shift from a mindset of limitation to one of possibility and growth. After all, isn’t that what the journey is all about?
Embrace Your Achievements
Next time you are about to downplay your achievements or experiences with “just,” take a moment to pause. Reflect on the effort it took to get there, the progress you’ve made, and the experiences you’ve gathered. Your journey—every push-up, every trip, every step, every kilo lost—is worth celebrating. Let’s start giving our achievements the recognition they deserve, one word at a time.
Remember, it’s not “just” fitness; it’s a lifestyle. It’s not “just” a trip; it’s an adventure. It’s not “just” 5 push-ups; it’s a testament to your strength and commitment. Let’s drop the “just” and start recognising the total value of our efforts and experiences. Your achievements are significant, and it’s time we start acknowledging them as such.