Three Nutrition Tips to Live By.
October 15, 2021

Tip 1 – Eat Real Food
The first rule is the most important rule. Eat real food, the aim is to eat unprocessed foods as much as possible. This means food that comes directly from nature; it grew from the ground, it was picked from a tree, bush, or vine, or it had eyes. There is no list of ingredients accompanying the food.
Unprocessed food is known as Real Food, there is no processing to make it into a food, you can pick, harvest, or kill it, and then cook it and eat it. Any kind of vegetable, any kind of fruit, nuts, seeds, fish and meats are all real foods. The foods that should make up most of our diet.
The general rule is real food is healthy, unprocessed not so much…the majority of it is unhealthy. There are some exceptions though. Not all processed food is unhealthy ….things like minimally processed rolled oats, yoghurt, cheese, Dark Chocolate, Olive Oil, Tea, and Coffee have all been processed in some way, and they are generally healthy in the right amounts.
The rule is simple though… real food as much as possible to enjoy better health and quality of life.
Tip 2 – Include Lots of Plant-Based foods in your daily meals.
Here is the thing….your vegetables and fruits shouldn’t be accompaniments to your meats, it should be the other way around. And the reason is simply…Plant-based foods are simply the healthiest things you can eat, and it is nearly impossible to eat too much (with the exception of potatoes and rice). And as with tip one, these plant-based foods can be eaten any way, raw, boiled and steamed.
Stack your plate up with plant based foods, things that grow from the ground or hang from a tree, include a great protein source with each meal and you are eating good quality nutrition that has many known health benefits.
Tip 3 – Reduce Sugar to a minimum.
Here is the thing with sugar….you do not have to avoid it at all costs. The fruits and good sources of Carbohydrates we eat naturally have sugar. When eating natural unprocessed foods the sugar content is beneficial to cell function throughout the body. This is the good side of sugar…the bad side of sugar though is very bad…an accelerant to ill health. The sugar I am referring to is the refined sugar, the additive that has terrible consequences, foods like soft drinks, ultra processed foods (biscuits, cookies, candy, ice creams, milk chocolates, sauces, flavoured syrups etc.) and white bread are all full of excess sugar, at levels that are not safe for as to consume. These foods should be avoided and only ever had on a special occasion (like when celebrating your birthday).
There it is, 3 tips, simple tips to live by. 3 tips to help living better. The food you choose to put in to your mouth can literally determine your future health. It is that important.
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Three Nutrition Tips to Live By.
October 15, 2021

Tip 1 – Eat Real Food
The first rule is the most important rule. Eat real food, the aim is to eat unprocessed foods as much as possible. This means food that comes directly from nature; it grew from the ground, it was picked from a tree, bush, or vine, or it had eyes. There is no list of ingredients accompanying the food.
Unprocessed food is known as Real Food, there is no processing to make it into a food, you can pick, harvest, or kill it, and then cook it and eat it. Any kind of vegetable, any kind of fruit, nuts, seeds, fish and meats are all real foods. The foods that should make up most of our diet.
The general rule is real food is healthy, unprocessed not so much…the majority of it is unhealthy. There are some exceptions though. Not all processed food is unhealthy ….things like minimally processed rolled oats, yoghurt, cheese, Dark Chocolate, Olive Oil, Tea, and Coffee have all been processed in some way, and they are generally healthy in the right amounts.
The rule is simple though… real food as much as possible to enjoy better health and quality of life.
Tip 2 – Include Lots of Plant-Based foods in your daily meals.
Here is the thing….your vegetables and fruits shouldn’t be accompaniments to your meats, it should be the other way around. And the reason is simply…Plant-based foods are simply the healthiest things you can eat, and it is nearly impossible to eat too much (with the exception of potatoes and rice). And as with tip one, these plant-based foods can be eaten any way, raw, boiled and steamed.
Stack your plate up with plant based foods, things that grow from the ground or hang from a tree, include a great protein source with each meal and you are eating good quality nutrition that has many known health benefits.
Tip 3 – Reduce Sugar to a minimum.
Here is the thing with sugar….you do not have to avoid it at all costs. The fruits and good sources of Carbohydrates we eat naturally have sugar. When eating natural unprocessed foods the sugar content is beneficial to cell function throughout the body. This is the good side of sugar…the bad side of sugar though is very bad…an accelerant to ill health. The sugar I am referring to is the refined sugar, the additive that has terrible consequences, foods like soft drinks, ultra processed foods (biscuits, cookies, candy, ice creams, milk chocolates, sauces, flavoured syrups etc.) and white bread are all full of excess sugar, at levels that are not safe for as to consume. These foods should be avoided and only ever had on a special occasion (like when celebrating your birthday).
There it is, 3 tips, simple tips to live by. 3 tips to help living better. The food you choose to put in to your mouth can literally determine your future health. It is that important.