Complete or Complain Mindset
I had a goal today of getting a blog article done, I have had plenty of interruptions though. I could have used these interruptions as an excuse not to [...]
Action Brings Motivation – The Do Something Principle
"Action isn't just the effect of motivation; it's also the cause of it" - Mark Manson. Traditionally it would be viewed that most commit to action if they feel [...]
Is Food the Real Problem? Or is it Behaviour
People say that do not know what to eat. They say that they don't know what is unhealthy for them compared to healthy For most this is a myth, [...]
The Power of Laughter
Do you know the power of Laughter? If you're unsure of the power of laughter then let me refresh it...or maybe enlighten you of it. Laughter is a pleasurable activity...yes [...]
Results…is it all about the number on the Scale?…or is their much more? it all about the number on the Scale?...or is there much more? A typical tool clients will judge their weight loss success on is the scale. Is it [...]
The 90 Day World. How it Can bring you Success?
The 90 Day World concept is something I learned after reading Traction by Gino Wickman. It is a concept that he discovered from his own experiences in business. Wickman [...]