Arguing, Why it is Pointless!
Today I share something I have come to learn over time. And don't get me wrong, I am totally guilty of this too, I have argued with others many [...]
Simple Tip…Habits Over Motivation.
A quick thought on Habit over Motivation, which will bring you the compounding power of consistency. Motivation is normally short-lived and greatly varied from super high to extremely low. [...]
Protein and Fat Loss
Last week I wrote on the Thermic Effect of foods. The conversation highlighted how Protein has the highest Thermic Effect from food in the body. Meaning the body uses [...]
Expectation versus Reality…And The Link Too Your Results
It is common for people to look down at the scale or look in the mirror after a few days of being on a diet and be disappointed. The [...]
How Can Food Help Increase My Metabolism?
Did you know that food can help Increase Metabolism? When food is consumed the body is required to break this food down, using energy to do so. The amount [...]
Understanding Metabolism
It is very likely you have heard the word metabolism used somewhere. Metabolism is usually used around weight loss, and the first association of the word is most likely in [...]