What is Up To Us, What is Not Up To Us!
"Behind the Serenity Prayer is a two-thousand-year-old stoic phrase: 'ta eph'hemin, ta ouk eph'hemin.' Translated it is; What is up to us, what is not up to us. And [...]
Self-Acceptance, a Key for Change
There are two main self's spoken of in the personal development sphere. The first is Self-Affirmation, the second is Self-Acceptance. What do these two things mean though? Let's check [...]
Keep Going….the First Kilometre is the Toughest!!!
Ever wonder why on that run it is the first kilometre that seems the toughest.....or Ever wonder why the first Kilometre seems so damn hard? One thing always comes [...]
Win the Morning…Win the Day
Win the morning to win the day...this is very true. By winning the morning I mean getting up early and doing productive and proactive things to start your day. [...]
Three Things Learned During COVID Lockdowns
Three things I've learned from the COVID-19 lockdowns to appreciate: 1. We rely on Interdependence: Our reliance to be supported by others became undeniable during this time, we are [...]
How We Age Over How Long We Live
How we age over how long we is not how long we live that is the most important, but it is how we age! What I mean by [...]