Keep Going….the First Kilometre is the Toughest!!!
October 25, 2021

Ever wonder why on that run it is the first kilometre that seems the toughest…..or Ever wonder why the first Kilometre seems so damn hard?
One thing always comes up when discussing running. How hard the first kilometre feels. If this is true for you then it’s ok, you’re not alone….all runners experience this. And it isn’t because you’re unfit, or no good at running, or any other excuse you may use to tell yourself that running isn’t for you.
The answer is biological. There is a reason that we all do it tough on that first kilometre or so.
The first kilometre or so feels slow, laborious, and anything but comfortable as your body is transitioning from a resting state to a working state. It is transitioning from an anaerobic state to an aerobic state. When we begin our run there isn’t enough immediate oxygen going to the muscles to keep up with demands you’re placing on it. You enter into a short term oxygen debt, which will increase your breathing, you’ll sense that your are breathing hard and running will feel difficult.
Push through though, as this is your body compensating and correcting itself, your lungs will start to work more efficiently as your heart rate increases to to pump the oxygen around the body to your working muscles.
Your body will eventually catch with the demands of the running activity you are performing, your heart rate will stabilise to a rate required for the pace you are going and the increased oxygen will help your run get much better. If you are doing a 5km run, the last 3.5-4km will feel easier as the body adapts to the demands being placed on it.
Don’t stop and quit cause that 1st kilometre feels atrocious, keep calm focus on your breathing and know that your elevated heart rate is doing its job to make the run go for miles and miles and miles!!!
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Keep Going….the First Kilometre is the Toughest!!!
October 25, 2021

Ever wonder why on that run it is the first kilometre that seems the toughest…..or Ever wonder why the first Kilometre seems so damn hard?
One thing always comes up when discussing running. How hard the first kilometre feels. If this is true for you then it’s ok, you’re not alone….all runners experience this. And it isn’t because you’re unfit, or no good at running, or any other excuse you may use to tell yourself that running isn’t for you.
The answer is biological. There is a reason that we all do it tough on that first kilometre or so.
The first kilometre or so feels slow, laborious, and anything but comfortable as your body is transitioning from a resting state to a working state. It is transitioning from an anaerobic state to an aerobic state. When we begin our run there isn’t enough immediate oxygen going to the muscles to keep up with demands you’re placing on it. You enter into a short term oxygen debt, which will increase your breathing, you’ll sense that your are breathing hard and running will feel difficult.
Push through though, as this is your body compensating and correcting itself, your lungs will start to work more efficiently as your heart rate increases to to pump the oxygen around the body to your working muscles.
Your body will eventually catch with the demands of the running activity you are performing, your heart rate will stabilise to a rate required for the pace you are going and the increased oxygen will help your run get much better. If you are doing a 5km run, the last 3.5-4km will feel easier as the body adapts to the demands being placed on it.
Don’t stop and quit cause that 1st kilometre feels atrocious, keep calm focus on your breathing and know that your elevated heart rate is doing its job to make the run go for miles and miles and miles!!!