Why Healthy Eating Isn’t Really About Knowing What’s Good and Bad for You: The Real Battle is Beating Temptation!
Let’s be honest: nobody truly believes that soft drinks, donuts, or that chocolate bar staring you down in the grocery aisle is a health food. The basics of nutrition [...]
6 Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself as You Step Into 2025
Welcome to 2025. As I have mentioned in a previous post, it is not time to set resolutions. However, it is a great time to pause and reflect. If [...]
Why Waiting for January 1 to Make Changes Is a Load of Crap
It’s that time of year again—New Year's Resolution season. This means it's time for my input on what I think about this crazy resolution season. You’ve probably heard it [...]
5 Tips to Enjoy the Festive Season While Looking After Your Health
The festive season is here, and with it comes many social gatherings, indulgent meals, and a seemingly bottomless supply of desserts. While it's a time for joy and celebration, [...]
The Hard Truth: You Do Have Time to Work Out!
We've all heard it before—or maybe even said it ourselves—"I just don’t have time to work out." It’s one of the most common excuses, and while I get it, life [...]
The Dieting Cardinal Sin: Losing Muscle
If there’s one golden rule of dieting, it’s this: never sacrifice your muscle mass. Why? Because muscle isn’t just for show—it’s one of the most critical factors in maintaining [...]