Obstacles Will Be Part of the Process.
When you decide to take on a lifestyle change with the purpose of improving your health and fitness, you will come across something that no marketing or sales promise [...]
Low Muscle Mass and Weakness Accelerate Aging.
Have you ever heard a 70-year-old complain that they have too much muscle mass? I'd say not. At 70, you'd be trying to have as much muscle mass as [...]
Water is a win for fat loss.
Water doesn't receive much acknowledgment when it comes to fat loss. In fact, water intake is often overlooked and even taken for granted. Maybe the reason is the main focus [...]
Challenges Don’t Work.
Not for real and sustainable change, anyway. As real changes take time, and the shortness of these challenges, usually 30 Days or 6 weeks, don't offer the long term [...]
Do We Really Need Juices to Cleanse?
Did you know that the body cleanses itself? In fact, many of our major organs are in action to be in constant cleansing. Organs include the digestive tract, kidneys, lungs, [...]
Will you put weight on this holiday season?
Here is a crazy thing to consider. The holiday period can represent roughly half of a person's annual weight gain. Say a person gains 4kg in a year; 2 kg [...]