The Importance of NEAT for Weight Loss.
What is NEAT, and why is it important to assist in weight loss? Let me address the first part of the question, what is NEAT? NEAT is Non-Exercise Activity [...]
Exercise Boosts Your Immunity
When you see, hear, and read about the benefits of exercise the main headlines and content would be around weight control, muscle-building, heart health, etc. And these are all [...]
Keeping Your Goals Top of Mind
Today's post comes from the book "Be Like The Best" by Anthony Renna. Renna interviews the top S&C coaches to find out about their processes, their ideas on success, [...]
Emotions, Mindset, and Eating.
We have all experienced this, and research shows it to be very true. Emotions can drive us to eat high or ultra-processed foods. Why though? Why do our emotions [...]
Focus on Doing over Not Doing
It is a great thing that people what to change things up to improve their health. What starts out as a positive initiative can however end in disappointment with [...]
5 Things Mentally Tough People Don’t Do
Justin Sua is a smart guy, a top-of-the-tree type guy in his field. Who is he though? Sua is a sports psychologist. A mental performance coach who has worked with [...]