Is Self Control Something We Have or Do Not Have?
Is self control something we have or do not have? We all know someone who has strong self-discipline...the person who can set a goal and stick to it. They [...]
Polish the Rock, Sharpen the Sword.
Why do most people exercise? Most people would say for weight control/adjustments and good physical health. This is probably the main answer you'd get. However we know that exercise [...]
The Kidneys, Hydration, and Fat Loss
The Kidneys, Hydration, and Fat Loss One of the Kidneys main functions is to filter your blood, removing waste products. For the Kidneys to do this job effectively though [...]
The Work out, Pig Out Cycle…(The Self Sabotage Cycle)
The Work out, Pig Out Cycle...(The Self Sabotage Cycle) Many of you would have experienced what is known as the "Work Out, Pig Out Cycle". The cycle is driven [...]
Do not wait for Motivation…Create Motivation; Here’s How
"Action isn't just the effect of motivation; it's also the cause of it" - Mark Manson After reading Mark Manson's "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F#%k" his [...]
Your Mental Game is as Important as the Physical Game.
The mental game is as important as the physical game. We spend a lot of time focusing on the physical, we do fitness classes, we run, we lift weights, [...]