Happiness is….
Do we place happiness with a yearning for what we don't have?, known as conditional happiness. For example...I'll be happy when I graduate, I'll be happy when I get [...]
Can’t? Or Do You Mean Don’t?
When people say "can't" do they actually mean "don't"? In instances when it is in relation to health, fitness, and fat loss this is likely to be very true, [...]
Nutrition 101 - Welcome to our newest Track on the app. What is Nutrition 101? An educational tool and self-monitoring track around Nutrition...people can track their days with or [...]
Is your Environment Helping or Hindering?
How much influence does one's environment have on life factors, things like health, relationships, and addiction? The answer, it is a major player and without the right environment it [...]
Is Your Nightly Wine Stopping Your Progress?
Here is an important point about drinking: IF YOU DON'T ALREADY DRINK, HEALTH EXPERTS RECOMMEND YOU DON'T START! This is a pretty important sign that alcohol isn't beneficial for [...]
How Much Weight Do You Need To Lose To Improve Your Health?
If you are overweight then your health is suffering. We know this, and that's why we see many people attempting to lose weight. In society it is a common [...]