Consistently Practice Seeing Opportunities Instead of Problems.
Positive Mindset...………….Consistently Practice seeing opportunities instead of problems. Commitment to the long haul is required right now! Showing up is essential Showing up consistently is powerful Showing up consistently with [...]
What Do Really Successful People Do That Most Don’t?
Positive Mindset...……….What do really successful people do that most don’t? They fall in love with boredom!!! While really successful people feel the same lack of motivation as everyone else they, [...]
What You Do matters, What You Don’t Do Also Matters.
Positive is not about the past and it is not about the future. It’s about right now. There’s adversity and there are challenges this is for sure, control [...]
Negativity – Don’t be That Person
Positive Mindfulness.....Today’s reading comes from Justin Sua. Check out his instgram he has some really helpful stuff. Negativity is contagious and can spread quickly; refuse to be that person who [...]
The Human Body is Meant to Move
Positive Mindfulness......All of us appreciate that exercise is not just for good physical health. Exercise has a positive impact on mental health. While our normal physical activity may have been [...]
Appreciate the Ordinary
Positive Mindfulness......Appreciate the Ordinary, from Mark Manson’s "The Subtle Art of not Giving a Fuck". Have a growing appreciation for life’s basic experiences. The pleasures of simple friendship, helping a [...]